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EITF Preliminary Info pack for 2022 Championship in Porec

Dear Grand Masters, Masters, Instructors and Coaches,

in order to provide you with important information sooner we have prepared a preliminary version of the Information pack for 2022 EITF Championship in Porec.
This document contains the invitation and information about dates, deadlines, accommodation prices and the overall schedule, so that you are able to plan your travels in advance.

Changes of the schedule:

In order to allow teams to arrive later and reduce costs we have rescheduled some events of days before the competition. There is additional possibility for teams to arrive one day before the competition on Sunday morning. The latest arrival of the whole team is Sunday 27th March, 10:00. Please note however, that this is a strict deadline. Late arrival will not be accepted.
Coach or other responsible person has to arrive on Saturday 26th 19:00 to finish the registration and payment (no change).
ITF Umpire seminar will take place on Saturday 26th afternoon and Sunday 27th March.
Executive board meeting will take place on Saturday 26th March.
EITF Congress will take place on Tuesday 29th March, after the competition.

Preliminary info pack (PDF):

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation
Europe ITF Taekwon-do Federation

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